Sunday, August 15, 2010

Finally! Another post!

I know it's been a while since I posted... oh well! :)

I've been uber busy with school stuff, high school started last week. Even though I'm a freshman, not many people make fun of me because I'm tall. They think I'm a sophomore. Hehe.

So I know this post is really short, but I don't have very much to talk about/say. I'll be making youtube videos soon... so watch em! Ferretberry is my channel.

And, yeah that's pretty much it. Oh well!


Monday, August 2, 2010

Rage against the Math System

So today my mom and I went to get me registered for high school. Little did we know we would be there for almost four hours, and not even get to the counselor because it was so late. I'm pretty sure we were the only ones prepared with everything... still, it took forever. And right near the end, we were giving class specifications for what's-her-face to put in the system, and after I said that I would prefer french class and art, we also expressed an interest in me being in an AP (advanced placement for those of you who don't know) math class. I've always been a math nerd, it's my best subject in school. I took Algebra 1 in 7th grade and passed with flying colors, took Algebra 2 in 8th grade and the same happened. So I figured I'd be in an AP math class right off the bat. NOPE. EVERY FRESHMAN HAS TO BE IN ALGEBRA 1. That's right; I'm repeating 7th grade math (for me anyways). This is EXTREMELY irritating to me. Not only will I be BORED, but I can do so much more and it just isn't challenging at all!!! Ugh. Oh well, maybe I can just do well enough that they bump me up to a better class. My hope was that I wouldn't have to repeat Algebra 2... I guess I got that wish, in the worst way possible.

Apologies for such a long wait...

I haven't blogged in a while, so I figured I'd do that now. Things are going well for the most part... school is starting soon. Went back to school shopping yesterday. Getting registered for school tomorrow. Confused about certain things.. actually, it's a lot more than you'd think it was. Hmm. Well, anyways, short blog post, but I felt bad about not posting anything, so... yup! :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010


The past couple of days haven't been anything out of the ordinary. We went to our favorite pizza place Friday night with Martha and Josie, and we all had a great time. Then today, I watched the World Cup Final, and I witnessed Spain kick the Netherlands' butts. That was pure awesomeness.
If you know me, you know I don't watch sports games on TV. But after we first turned it on, I got SO into it! My parents ended up leaving the room for their own reasons, but I stayed and watched the entire thing, screaming along with the hundreds of thousands of other people (none of which were in my house :] ). It felt so great to see Spain win. I mean, the Netherlands' team was great, and they had good players, but they were so brutal!!! They had what, 9 yellow flags??? Probably more. It was just amazing to see, and I absolutely LOVED watching Spain score the only goal in the entire game during the extra time. That was just awesome.

Just a quick shout-out: TAKE THAT BOB!!! SPAIN WON!!!

Sorry. Anyways, it was pretty fun watching the game. Then, for dinner, my dad made only the BEST grilled fish tacos ever. :)

All in all, my day was awesome. PURE AWESOME. :)

Friday, July 9, 2010


The past two days haven't been anything unusual. Mostly been listening to music and working on my sketchbook, because... I got past artist's block! WOOHOO! Thanks to my good friend Theo (you know who you are ;] ).
So I've finished two pages in my sketchbook and I hope to do more in the coming days. I've still been doing yoga, and it's still awesome! We went to our favorite pizza place tonight with Martha and Josie, which was awesome! :)
This is probably the shortest blog post I'll ever do... mostly because there isn't too much to talk about. Also been talking more with my usually un-talkative friend Bob*, because he still hasn't come out of that mood, which still puzzles me.
So basically, stuff's going good. Oh, and near the end of the month, I'll be taking a week-long day camp for  multimedia drawing! Can't wait for THAT!

* = Not a real name

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Relaxed Mind AND Artist's Block. Who Knew?

The day after the fourth of July was pretty fun. We had our friends Josie* and Martha* over (yes, they are together :] ) and my parents made BBQ chicken and corn, which was so good you don't even KNOW. For desert, they brought out bowls of vanilla gelato with a slice of pineapple and a chunk of half baked brownie (Josie's of course). All in all, dinner was great and we had a good time.
Then yesterday, the sixth, my friend Lola* came over and spent the night. We've been friends for almost five years, and she was pretty much my best friend in 4th and half of 5th grade. We had a good time messing with the webcam on my dad's laptop and then we had popcorn (That I made!) and watched "A Cinderella Story". Such a good chick flick :) Also, that night I was texting a good friend of mine who usually isn't very into talking, but he was this time and it was awesome to catch up with him on things. I hope he's in whatever mood he had more often.
Today, I discovered my love of yoga. How much it calms you, and exercises you, is very refreshing and I absolutely LOVE it. If you've never tried yoga, you may want to. Even though it's difficult at first, it's simple and works you well, and relaxes your mind. This way, you can almost escape to your own little world and forget about all of your troubles (even if you don't have any!).
Also, I started working on my sketchbook today (For the sketchbook project!!! It got here!!!), or at least I tried to. I can't get my artistic juices flowing... I mean, I want to be able to put together a sketchbook full of meaning and artistic value, but I can't think of any ideas of things to draw, or how to tie it all together flawlessly like I want and imagine myself to. Yes, it's true.... I've got artist's block. Hopefully I'll be able to break through it soon, but until then, I'm hopeless when it comes to filling that book. Who knew it would be so difficult??
If you have any ideas for me whatsoever, I would definitely appreciate you commenting and giving me one. I could really use them, thank you :) and try yoga! I really think you should!
Toodle-oo peoples!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

"Bill Nye's a Science Lie!"

Fourth of July. Independence Day. Fireworks go off, people cheer, adults drink cold beer (along with various other things) while us teenagers grab a coke, everyone gathers around for a barbecue, and we enjoy each others' company. Today, my parents and I tagged along to a street party in the neighborhood where we used to live (our friends had invited us). The street is a downhill dead end, which makes it even more fun, and even a bit private. So as we began our walk down the street, we stopped as something shiny caught our eye. My dad bent down and picked up a big silver hoop earring, just laying on the street, and we looked at it and started laughing. Of all the things that would be there! This kind of thing would only happen in the city.
In the city, you can never really know what to expect. In fact, one day as I was taking my dog for a walk, we walked past this one-story brick house. Sitting in the driveway on an old beat up lawn chair, was this 40-something man. So I was just walking along, minding my own business, I honestly had no idea who this guy was, so I ignored him. Then I hear him yell "TANYA! Hey Tanya!" There was no one else around. My mind froze, but it was a knee-jerk reaction to keep walking and just ignore him, so I did. But the yelling kept going. "TANYA! Where you going? Get back here, Tanya!" I then began to walk just a bit faster. Even if he had followed me to see why "Tanya" was leaving, (even though he didn't) I figured he would've realized it wasn't me who he was looking for. Do I even look like a Tanya?? I don't think I do....
Anyways, the fourth of July barbecue was lots of fun. We met the newest residents of our previous street, all very friendly people, and we told them stories of our move and what's been going on. The only really good one I had was the story of my bed tipping and breaking through a bit of the bottom that was holding it up. We had gotten this bed from IKEA and it was beautiful! It was completely padded and had a great black and white floral print on it. The people at IKEA said that if you had a box spring already, all you needed for the bed to hold up your mattress was a solid metal midbeam, which we bought. However, a couple nights after the bed was put together and had been slept in, something very surprising happened. It was about 3 am, and I was climbing into bed to go to sleep. All of a sudden, I heard a loud cracking and crunching noise. I looked under the corner of the bed nearest me and sure enough, the corner of the box spring had fallen through.
My mind quickly went through what I needed to do. Surely, I was NOT going to sleep on a tippy bed that would move every time I did. So, I figured I would have to move the bed over against my wall (Only the headboard was against my wall and the bed in the center of the room) and move the mattress onto the floor so I could sleep. However, the feet of the bed were not padded, they were just metal, and we had a gorgeous hardwood floor that we didn't want to mess up, but we had recently bought some pads that would go under the feet. Unfortunately, those were out somewhere in the house. So I took my cell phone and, using it as a light, I searched through the house trying to find the pads, and eventually I did (remember, this is 3 am, my parents are sleeping, and I'm trying to accomplish all this without waking them up). I put the pads on the feet of the bed and began to move it, inch by inch. Every time the bed moved, it made a screeching sound from the new pads against the floor, and every time that happened, I shushed it (SHH!!!). Eventually, my mom woke up and opened my door, and I could have laughed so hard (had my dad not been sleeping) from looking at her standing there in her pajamas, eyes barely opened, and all she said was "Go to bed." I explained my situation and told her it was all going fine. She went back to bed, and I completed my mission.
That was the only story I really had worth telling at this thing, so I was mostly listening to other people and watching the kids (or "hooligans" I had called them) run around and jump into the tiny blow-up pools. One girl had a pretty, sparkly, pink princess dress on, and she was completely adorable, running around in little red heels (play heels, of course). She was fun to watch, lifting her dress going up steps, just marching around like she owned the place. At one point during the barbecue, I was talking with a friendly dad when all of a sudden, this ear piercing scream is let out, and I turn my head to see who it was, and sure enough, Miss Princess Hooligan was screeching her heart out. Immediately after she finished, her parents were telling her not to do it again, and I was so glad they did. I'd rather not lose my hearing.
Later in the barbecue, just chatting with other people, I see this brown blurr dart out from under my chair and through the grass, around someone else, and back around behind a tree. Only as it got further away from me did I realize that it was a squirrel!!! This little brown rodent had gone bezerk and sprinted through our gathering. We all laughed about it afterwards, and you could hear people across the street saying, "Did you see that? It was a squirrel!" This made everything a bit more entertaining ;)
The food was great as well. After we had finished eating, my parents and I headed back with our friends to their house on the street, and we hung out in there and had a couple brownies that they hadn't taken out to everyone else. One of our friends (we'll call her Josie*), the maker of the brownies, was upset because she was shamed by other people earlier in the day. She had picked up some watermelon to bring down earlier, only to find that someone had brought an entire cooler-full. She was going to bring down some brownies (the ones that were left for us to eat ;] ) to the gathering, but people had brought decorated cakes and homemade cookies. Poor girl. In the end, though, it was better for us, because those brownies were GOO-OO-OOD. Yes. I made it three syllables :)
When it was finally time for the fireworks, we went out on Josie's deck and took our seats. Some other people from the party had gathered together some fireworks (smaller ones, of course) that they could shoot off from the middle of the field across the street, so we had what we called the "sky box seats". At first, these red, white, and blue mini-fireworks went off from the ground, and I guess they lit them too quickly because a couple went off straight to the side!!! We were so afraid that the field was going to catch on fire! But it didn't. Thank goodness. More loud ones went off, and some quiet ones that didn't quite work, but all in all, it was fun because we were all together. Plus, Josie's roommate's dog, Bella, kept lettin off farts to keep us annoyed. THAT was my LEAST favorite part of the evening.
In our car ride home, we were talking about how shooting off fireworks in our city was illegal, and how it was funny that we didn't see any cops. My dad mentioned about how some people can be idiots and think "Oh, let's shoot off guns up in the air! They won't hit anybody..." and he goes on to say, "What goes up, must come down." Then he apologizes for being a "science nerd" and saying he's not nearly as bad as Bill Nye, the ultimate science nerd (and guy!). Then he continues his monologue to say "You know, he's not even a real science guy. He's just an actor." I then say, "But he actually makes money for what he does. You're just sitting here telling us." My dad says, "Yeah, he's a professional I guess." Then I say, "Yep, he's a Pro Faux." We all finish our night by singing "Bill Nye's a Science Lie!" So I think my fourth of July went pretty well overall and ended perfectly. Toodle-oo!

* = Not a real name